Sunday, 12 July 2009

Task 3: Downloading Music

In your groups discuss and reflect on the Ethical issues surounding 'Storing Copyrighted Music' - see the scenario below...

The Issue

Do you store copyrighted music on your PC or work’s server? Do you 'share' music files using your work’s facilities? If you do, then, watch out! Your work could be in some real legal hot water! Plenty of unwanted negative publicity too!

People and File Sharing
We all like music. Retail music is a multi-billion pound/dollar industry. Do you think for a minute that a recording company is going to give its product away? Not likely. Yet that's the essence of the music file sharing craze. People can download their favorite songs from thousands of sites on the Web. Are the copies which they are downloading stolen? Most people don't care.

Task discussion...What are your thoughts on downloading music?
What are the illegal implications connected with doing so?
What ethical issues arise from doing this?


anil k bheema said...

Hello every one,

This ANil k bheema In my view Downloading music is not harm to either legally and illegally if you do it legally thats great, i wish it was that rich...
I just want to be able to listen to it.

anil k bheema said...

I used to download music illegally but i d't stop, i reduced to some. I mean to think of how much money i took from the artist or company its horrible. I mean what gives us the right to steal? Regardless if its music. I mean if i really love a song i can just buy it for a pound. When you download you get low quality audio mostly... And why not support artist that you like

Anonymous said...

I dont know if i am the right person to post a message on this topic....because i myself downloan over 100 music video and FRIENDS episodes every month from you tube.........which is definately a crime.......its illegal.....but when the enitre world performs a is no longer considered a just join the hands in this crime........

Actually its only now that i have strated considered that i am doing somthing wrong......i maen...we are being so unfair with the music industry.....using the copyrited music and not paying a penny........its so unethical.........definately.....

Unknown said...

@Rugvedha : You are right,Well the fact is that almost everyone on the internet have probably done something like that already.If the internet providers or anyone were to take action then they would have to probably put everyone in jail.LOL! So they do know that you are doing these stuff but there isn't much they can do about this. But I am pretty sure they take action on the source that you are getting it from but not on the people that downloads it.

Anonymous said...

@anil.......ya anil...why not instead of expecting internet providers to take action on the suppliers.of thses illegal videos..we as users deceide that we will never downl;oad any illegal music again..its difficult i know......but its a good cause..a good deed...lets give it try..lets strat from all MITIANS frist and then spread the word about this in public........r u ready.......

Unknown said...

It's too hard to take that decision as we are not using any music systems to listen to music.........
It's because of technology that makes us living comfortable with the use of new generation music players which are used to download music from internet as there is no further option........

vijays15 said...

Hi Friends,
This is vijay, According to me Downloading music nowadays is simple and fast,as everyone know we download music illegally being a part of the crime as rugveda told,But downloading music through internet is tempting and as it is free of cost everyone one opts for it leaving behind the ethical issues .
Now i will maintain some ethics as far as downloading free music is concerned,helping music industry to gain something for the efforts they putin making music.Hope u also will be part of it

Unknown said...

@rugveda: Lol...its definitely hard to do that to starting with our MITIANS its funny to hear ,letz have a try ,first strt vth us i use to download the music from internet minimum 5 a day ....i suppose to do for 4 hehehe what do say......

Beryl Burns said...

Group No: 19
Task 3: Downloading music
Salikuti Sandeepkumar Reddy.
Nanada Kishore Sirugumalle.
Murali Bhooma.

Music of our choice can be downloaded for free from our computer to CDS and mobile phones at anytime we want in a short time. We don’t need to buy CD for just one single track we like. We can download a single track which we have interested in. We can even download as many songs as we like. We can download the music directly from internet to our computer or to our mobile phone which have internet features. We can buy a single track also instead of buying the whole CD from internet which is cheaper when compared to buying whole CD.

What is downloading?
Downloading is obtaining a box file from the internet and bringing it onto our home computer. There are some fashionable kinds of downloads are music, software and movie trailers.

With the new type of music websites, rather than going to the shops and coming home with a CD, we can now pay to download songs and listen to them on your PC, as well as the collection of other devices.

Downloading music has disadvantages like there are many illegal sites which allow unlimited downloading. These sites break copyright laws. This causes great loss to music industry because in coming generation there would be no cell phone without features of internet. The people who download music for free from illegal sites for free were heading to courts due to music piracy. From creators of peer to peer and music sharing to individual users who upload and share copy protected works online are heading to courts.
People find downloading music so simple like opening one of peer-to peer file share programs, selecting tracks and then downloading to computer and then burning into cdrom. People are breaking copyright protection laws by downloading music tracks from internet.

One of the most important big issues concerning the music industry is the revenue loss. In theory, if a person is capable to download his or her preferred music of the Internet, then that the person could not need to buy the CD at a store. So the music industry lost the money due to the downloading. The mainly common minimum of numbers seems to sit around a loss of 20 percent globally in sales since 1999.
Organizations that maintain music contribution and downloading however have thrown a struggle into the information released by the music business as they suggest the losses are due to a bad economy and fewer "new releases" hitting the market in some of those years. The amount lost due to music downloading isn't so simple. This affects the music industry, sound technicians, record studios, musicians, and music stores.

Unknown said...

Well this is tricky question to answer..because every one like to download his fav mp3 track.

Due to ease of its availability and free in nature downloading mp3 became popular.

Yes, Music industry is facing a big time problem regarding illegal distribution of their work.

Well personally I never felt bad downloading music files, because it is was available free of cost and takes few seconds to get files on to your Pc.

Restricting these distribution is not that easy but it is not impossible to do. Hope we all take good measure and use of other alternatives (legal).

Satish Kumar Kakollu said...
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Satish Kumar Kakollu said...

Every body in this world that uses internet at some point of time either willingly or by mistake they might have downloaded some music. Actually for companies this is one method of marketing for instance the companies will give some trail versions of music but we the user we will go beyond that. In fact this is a mistake of the company as well apart from user. According to human psychology mostly 95% of human being will try to get things for free that is why we see lot of sales for retail companies and supermarkets they will attract people by giving discount to promote their sales.

Satish Kumar Kakollu said...

As all of my friend and me have accepted that we have downloaded music means we have committed crime. Till now all of have been doing this downloading music thinking that this is a small mistake but after this discussion every one of us thinking that all these small mistakes can become a big problem to the music companies. So after this discussion I think at least some of us will terminate this downloading .

Anonymous said...

in my opinion people do not really understand the implication of it, they equate it to borrowing cds and dvds from friends..the question we should all ask ourselves here is would we take a friend's CD without their permission and never bring it back? would we like it if we put all our harwork into creating or developing something then watch someone else take the credit for it and or benefit from it without our consent? because that is exactly what we are doing when we download music we DID NOT PAY FOR!!!
Amina Abdul-Hamid (on behalf of Group 4)

Beryl Burns said...

Kumar Vadlamudi
Bhaskar Reddy
Raghu Kalidindi
Venkatapathi Raju Charukuwada
Srikanth Dumpala

1)What are your thoughts in downloading music?

Our thoughts in downloading music is pirating the copy rights of the
music. So many are illegally downloading the music. We know some websites are free websites for downloading the music. For example In this
website we can download music by creating an account of this website. In this website the new songs music are are updated by pirating the original copy.
The same we think about pirating anything else, you never know who or what you are dealing with and the after affects can come crashing along your shore any amount of time later. It shouldn't be considered stealing, after all its just another form of information or communication and if you can catch it on
the wind its yours, or ours.

2)What are the illegal implications connected with doing so?

Computers and the internet are tools. Before the computer was available to households, we enjoyed music at the concert hall or listened to records and the
radio. When we wanted to share our music and movies with family and friends, we invited them to our house or the concert hall. We let them borrow our records and hope they returned them. We did not make a copy of the record and give it to them. We now have the technology for households to reproduce and copy material at a reasonable cost using the tools of the computer and the internet.
Everyone knows it is disrespectful and against the law to steal. Reproducing copyrighted work, without the permission of the copyright holder, for the
purpose of sharing with others (distributing) is wrong and is against the law when fair use limitations are exceeded. The tool used to copy doesn’t matter.
It violates the rights of the copyright holder. This is no different than taking something from a retail store without paying. Software piracy is no
different than petty theft or robbery.

3) What ethical issues arise from doing this?

With this newly emerging market, the greatest threats to the existing record label business model come from a number of directions. First there is
the loss of value for their existing economies of scale for production of the physical products, the CDs themselves. Even in electronic format, there is a
loss of control of the format, with many efforts to establish copy protected formats failing to attract the critical mass of users necessary to attract device makers. Then there is the threat to their existing distribution channels and control of those channels.

Advocates of the ethical nature of filesharing present three primary assertions to support their point. Firstly, the activities are not wrong as the advances made in technology allow for illegal filesharing to occur. Secondly, the
widespread and seemingly unstoppable nature justifies its existence as morally wrong behaviour would not proliferate to the extent filesharing has.

Finally, there is the view that preventing wealthy recording labels and artists from obtaining profits is justified by the fact that these entities are already
‘super-rich’. They see it as a Robin Hood-like activity, taking profits from the rich record labels and distributing the spoils amongst the people. These views are evident amongst many teenagers where only 15 percent of 13-17 year
olds think that downloading music is morally or ethically wrong.

In our opinion these are the answers for the given task 'Downloading music'.

Anonymous said...

Downloading music is not a crime until you distribute stuff in public illegally. Many websites wantedly give downloads for promotional purposes but suggest as well to buy mp3 tracks so that the artist would get their value what they are worth for. So its up to us/individual to support artist.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Im a big music freak, I download lot of music but i do not distrubute among friends or anyone coz i know its a crime and doing so is foolishness.I do support my artist partially :P.


Temitope Akinloye said...

I stopped downloading music illegally when i found some other way to listen to any music online for free. I currently use this one called spotify which is a light music player connected to a huge database where i can search for almost any music genre available, i can create and organise playlist. Apps like spotify can drastically reduce the number of illegal music downlaod. You guys can get spotify for free on:

Unknown said...


Good article to read where artists are rewarded from the tax collected. According to normal citizen it doesn't sound as a good idea but something has to be done in favour to artist ..

Unknown said...

check this link

Views on downloading music by different people. The reason I have cited the link here is to compare our thoughts with others.

Rajesh said...
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Rajesh said...

Hi one and all.....
Regarding downloading music I am unable to say because I don't know whether it is crime or not. usually I download music from internet. But I can say one thing, the website which provide music illegally should be blocked then only it is possible to stop downloading music illegally. Generally most of the people around the world, download music from internet which is free of cost. So this is the reason why people go for internet rather than music shopping centres. But it is high amount of loss to music directors and recording companies. I can say one way to stop this illegal act i.e. block the websites and blogs which provide non-copyrighted music .

Anonymous said...

@ meenana, Well you can see downloading music as borrrowing without owner's permission but have you been to p2p file sharing sites like ares and limewire. You agree to put your music library on the p2p network and also agree to share with anybody on the same network. So if I download from this network, that is borrowing with full permission of the owner , don't you think so ? In this case , downloading is not unethical and why do you think this services are still existing and not shut down like napster ..... post still by adeboye oni aka. scardino ,,,, lol

Beryl Burns said...

Suresh Krishna Bandi
Kishore Kumar Motapothula
(Group 29 comments)

Downloading music from the internet....this has become a major activity for the music lovers these days. In good olden days when we didn't had the internet, everyone used to buy the albums from a music store. But now with the advance of technology we are able to buy and get everything delivered to our doorsteps, which has made life easier for us. Everything is so handy and easy to obtain, that we have forget to think "is this ok to do?"This gives scope to questions like the one asked -is downloading music from the internet ethical!!!Well in my opinion it shouldn't be a crime downloading music from the internet because we do download a lot of information from the internet which is legal and then even music can be considered a piece of information put on the internet by someone. If the album owners feel it is stealing music, they should in the first place keep it to themselves or at least take measures that the album cannot be copied from the DVDs bought from the shop. With the technology available it is possible to make the DVDs “read only” so that only the person who has bought the disk gets to listen to it and that he doesn’t get to put it on the internet. By doing so the album owners can prevent it being illegally put up on the internet. And they themselves can put it on the internet for a price and make it illegal for any anybody else to provide the same. This can reduce the problem to an extent.
But as long as it is available on the internet, I don’t think it can be called illegal as the owner of the work has not taken steps to stop it when he can with the help of the technology available. So in my opinion, may be it is ethically wrong to download music from the internet but I don’t feel it can termed as being illegal or an act of stealing!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hi friends...I'm not the right person to make a comment like this....i read everyone comment...everyone download music through internet that is also free of, who is buying the CDs and taps from shops or on line websites? maximum of us are downloading music from on friend told it is not illegal.they do for their promotion.....i don't think it is true...I'm downloading songs from blogs, and web well as Myself uploading music to youtube,few blogs....!! it is illegal and crime..but we are doing..we are not funding music industry.

vijayprathipati said...

About Downloading Music:
Downloading music from the internet may be a great new way to get your music, if you're getting music for free that you'd usually have to pay for, you're committing a crime.
Downloading music directly to your computer or an MP3 player is now almost as famous as buying CDs over the counter. It's cheaper and you can choose to pay per download or a standard fee every month for a certain number of tracks.
There are now lots of different sites that allow you to buy music online or get some legal download for free, but there are users of other sites that are breaking the law by using file-sharing networks to share copyrighted music.
If you're caught illegally downloading copyrighted music or video from the internet, you may be faced with a fine that costs you thousands of pounds.

Is it legal or illegal?
Most of the music we listen to is protected by copyright of some sort. If the composer is still around then the songs themselves are in copyright, and recordings are in copyright for fifty years (in the UK – it’s different in other places) even if the music is much older. Some performers and composers are happy for their music to be shared and copied, and they may have given up the copyright or used a Creative Commons license to make this clear, but in general it’s wise to assume that the music you find online is legally protected by copyright law.
The copyright holder can give other people a license to do various things with their songs, including making it available for people to listen to or download. These licenses are what make the difference between legal and illegal – licensed or unlicensed – music services. Legal services will have come to an agreement with the performers, composers, record companies and other people, including the licensing agencies.

Ethical issues:
When evaluating the question of whether or not music piracy is ethical, all you need to do is ask yourself "Is stealing a CD from the store ethical?". In most societies the answer to this question would be no because in many cultures stealing is not only wrong, it's a crime. Downloading music without an artist's permission equates to stealing.
Many people try to justify and rationalize the practice of music piracy, but downloading songs illegally is no different than pocketing a CD at the local music store, except the technique used to steal it.


vijayprathipati said...

Hey guys have a look at this research about the downloading music published in NEW RENAISSANCE magazine


Satish Kumar Kakollu said...

Hi friends I have seen an online survey by Helium on music piracy telling that downloading music ethical or not. This site is conducting voting I think this would be useful for our discussion. Here I am giving a link .

Anonymous said...

@Scardino granted you have a fellow user's permission who probably paid for the music but do you have that of the artist who is expecting YOU to pay before listening to his work????? in the words of will smith, "DON'T DOWNLOAD, GO OUT AND BUY THE RECORD!" lol Amina Abdul-Hamid

Unknown said...

Hi every one,
We are group 8. We would like to share our opinions regarding downloading the music. Generally a music provider offers the product on line for purchasing, also he promotes such tracks to publicize on the web site. Usually we always listen to music from the sites where it has got complete data base from where we can search and listen to songs or buy the compact disk if most impressed. If we want to download a particular track or a music from the site to mobile or pc , we download the need full. As long as we are allowed to download the music for free, it is supposed to be legal but when we are downloading music without authorization it could be considered as an illegal action. But now a days every where people download the music according to their comfort, neglecting the user acceptance conditions that is illegal. This so called illegal activity may result in the loss of the revenues of the music provider and may discourage them further. To encourage the providers this illegal activity should be prevented.


its udaykrian said...

Udaykiran said..
In My view we can’t say surely that downloading music from over internet or any sits is…. illegal? If it is provided by a licensed site. …example: - Programs like iTunes allow you to pay for downloading your that is not illegal its legal so its depend upon music service provider….!!!

its udaykrian said...

udaykiran said...

Atish…@...> your saying somewhat right about that you will support to illegal or crime by downloading music from internet… but don’t forget you will come law act as illegalness so better to support by paying money over providing licensed sites or buying original CD…then you can say that your really supporting to your artist………..!!

its udaykrian said...

udaykiran said..

I concerning big issues by downloading music from without licensed site could be effect on musicians industry and songwriters for revenues lost consumer copying. So I suggest to every country government should make strict and deem law against copyright music as illegal. In my opinion copyright owner should protect their code from unauthorized reproduction and distributor of sound recording as well as certain digital performance to the public. However I request to every people or users should buy music CD by legally to protect our copyright law act and music industry ...!!

Unknown said...

Hey guys

I was just browsing on internet and zapped into an article where Illegal downloads can be controlled.

Just take a look at the article. Is it a good solution for the problem ?

Jerry Constanza said...

Hello everyone.

Although this is a tricky question, in my opinion art should be shared in any form but respecting the author's intelectual property, i mean, if you dont make profit of downloading music is ok, but if you use it in a commercial way its not the same.

luis canedo

Unknown said...

downloading music is crime but there are many sources available on internet which encourages for many options like free downloading.i think everybody does crime some or the other way on internet.

Unknown said...

music is that which describes about person feelings and emotions. speaking about downloading the music, i listen to the music on-line instead downloading it. so i am not doing any crime. however there are many people who download music. we cannot stop them and who cares about paying money, if we getting it for free.

Rajesh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rajesh said...

Hi we are the students of group 2........

Downloading music:
In this generation, Music is the greatest entertainment world to the people. People are too busy in this technical world. So they need some relaxation. By the way, they used to listen to music. They feel good and forget about sorrows and tensions when they listen to music.
They are 3 main sources to get the music files.
 Music centres (shops)
 Friends
 Downloading from Internet
Music centres get the copyrighted music from the original makers of the music. Before internet available, people used to purchase that music.
The second source to get the music is opting from friends. If they have any music they can share between them. Instead of purchasing the music from the market, people obtain from friends.
The third source is downloading from internet. This made the people easy and free of cost. Most of the people around the world use this source to obtain the music. People search for websites which give free download facility. Whatever music they want, these sites can provide with free of cost.

Illegal implications:
In this web world, many web sites available in internet which provide music to download. Some sites have copyrights and some of them don’t have copyrights and privacy.
So, all the copyrights reserved sites provide legally copyrighted music where as the other which doesn’t have copyrights don’t provide copyrighted music. If we download music files from copy righted sites that should be legal but most of the people obtain the music from non-copyrighted sites.
But the fact is, when we try to download tracks, most of the web sites don’t give a notice to accept the legal terms to down load the music. So that is why, people download the music which is free of cost and within few minutes, the tracks can be downloaded to pc.
In this web world when we search for any query then our IP address should be recorded. When we try to access anything illegal then we get the warning messages. But it is not happening in download music. So as the way this illegal act of downloading music is going on day to day.

Ethical Issues:

There is a segment of music consumers who download pirated music files illegally. Although it is not clear whether this activity translates into a decrease in sales, some of these "pirates" may be willing to pay for legal downloads at a reasonable price. On the other side are the record companies, who have settled multimillion dollar claims alleging price fixing, they cling to the high margins, despite the obvious savings in electronic distribution, which in turn sue their own customers are found to have downloaded pirated music files.

I think there are a number of interesting ethical questions that can be framed in this conflict. One involves the behaviour of those who share music files, and make it available to download. While this is clearly illegal is unethical to pirate music? The widespread acceptance of this activity, at least in some segments of the population, suggests that this is seen as something more like a recording of a song on the radio that the theft of a CD from a store. Some argue that this is a form of civil disobedience designed to protest the excessive scope of protection of copyright, and the resulting limitations on distribution and price gouging.

As for labels, this will certainly have the right - even an obligation to their shareholders - to maximize the value of copyright holders. However, it is reasonable to ask whether it is ethical to sue its own customers in an attempt to slow or stop an innovation that can produce a social good, especially given his history of legal problems with price fixing and payola. Granted the broader social welfare and more efficient distribution is done at the expense of the legitimate copyright and payment for performance, but may be questionable, however, ignore the marketing benefits that may arise from such exposure or emerging markets that can benefit from such developments.

Beryl Burns said...

Group 17
Suresh Gopal
Krishna Mohan Gundavarapu
Jayesh Narani
Sudheer Pola

Ethics of Downloading music:

Millions of people download music from the internet. Sometimes they are charged for it and sometimes they get it for free. Many think it is moral to do so. Music can be downloaded from many different places. Musicians sometimes set up web sites to make their music available to the public for free download. This gives them exposure and hopefully encourage people to buy their CD’s.

There are also digital music shops. Here individual tracks and even entire albums can be downloaded for a fee thus enabling artists to actually get paid. These stores are loved by musicians, for in addition to getting paid, they provide global distribution. Proponents argue that downloading is beneficial to artists, record companies and listeners.

However, not everyone agrees that downloading music is ethical. This paper considers the proposition that it is morally wrong to download music from the Internet without paying for it. Some believe that this activity is the same as stealing, and no different from shoplifting a CD at the nearby record store. Because it is convenient, many do not see the ethical issues involved in downloading music. Opponents say that because a CD can be shared with a mass audience on the internet, it is not the same as burning a CD for a friend.

Those in favour of downloading free music argue that it helps the artist market his product and that CDs are too expensive. Opponents answer that the decision to market the CD through free downloading must be made by the musician. They also argue that the fact that CDs are overpriced is neither here nor there. It is the creation of the artist and belongs to him.
I believe the opponents of music downloading have the better argument. I do not believe that any of the proponents would like for their creations to be pirated. Nor do I believe that just because something is easy to do makes it right. Downloading someone else’s work, be it a CD or a movie, is not just stealing. It is also morally wrong.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have just found another site which might suport my stance on the fact that downloading music is not completely illegal. Downloading and making copies of copyrighted medial files might be illegal but for onoes which are not copyrighted, there is nothing wrong in that. Check this site, it might give you some more info

Anonymous said...

Oh , I forgot to post the site : Post by Oni adeboye

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I had just read another article and I understand it might not be illegal to listen to them but making copies is illegal. This is a very resourceful way to learn after all. Post by Adeboye Oni.

Beryl Burns said...

Group 23

Music Illegal Downloading:
Today many people are going crazy and passionate about the music. Today’s world has become like download the latest music by any means whether it may be either legally or illegally. Legal means are like going to the nearby registered store and buying Cassettes, CDs, and DVDs and downloading from the registered websites. Illegal means are like downloading the music from unregistered websites is borrowing from friends for sharing the music.

Illegal music downloads have reached an all time high just as the growth of online social networking has shifted the epicentre of the music industry away from the major record labels, according to a new study. Of the 1,700 13-60 year-olds questioned, 86pc have used a social networking site this year, up from 74pc in 2006
Russell Hart, chief executive of Entertainment Media Research, described this phenomenon as "the democratisation of the music industry.
"Social networks are fundamentally changing the way we discover, purchase and use music," he said. "The dynamics of democratisation, word of mouth recommendation and instant purchase challenge the established order and offer huge opportunities to forward-thinking businesses."
Taken from: on 10-08-09

Pirate Bay's four defendants, who helped operate the notorious BitTorrent tracker, were sentenced to a year in jail and fined 30m SEK (£2,500,000) in damages.
Taken from: on 10-08-09

John Enser, head of music at Olswang, said: "The music industry needs to embrace new opportunities being generated by the increasing popularity of music on social networking sites. Surfing these sites and discovering new music is widespread with the latest generation of online consumers but the process of actually purchasing the music needs to be made easier to encourage sales and develop this new market."
Taken from: on 10-08-09

Ethical Issues:
There are many ethical issues regarding the piracy of music files downloading. So in this conflict, on one side there is a segment of music consumers that illegally download pirated music files. Though it is not clear that this activity results in reduced sales, some portion of these “pirates” may be willing to pay for legal downloads at a reasonable price.

Some argue that this is a form of civil disobedience designed to protest the excessive scope of copyright protections, and attendant limits on distribution and price gouging (Lunney, 2001). Taken from: on 10-08-09

There are even cases of encouraging civil disobedience in downloading as a way of honouring civil disobedience in social justice movements, as in the recent case of the illicit free distribution of Eyes on the Prize, a 14-part documentary on the civil rights movement that is not currently in distribution due to copyright problems (Dean, 2005).
Taken from: on 10-08-09

Fisher (2004) discusses this as a possible solution for the music industry, where one could imagine a system that compensates music labels for downloads using compulsory licenses, based on the notion of music as a public good.
Taken from: on 10-08-09

When we were researching the musical downloading we found that the illegal music downloads have reached an all time high just as the growth of online social networking has shifted the epicentre of the music industry away from the major record labels according to a new study.

venu said...

venu salla said
Hii friends,
my point of view downloading music from free websites should be blocked because it causes great loss to music industry. Previusly i used to download music from internet for free but ethically speaking it is illegal.

Beryl Burns said...

Group 13 Comments:

Anil Kumar Bheema
Venkata Ramana Chennoju

Downloading music is illegal?
Now a day’s downloading music has become that internet being the only source where everyone tries to download the music for free of cost. But this sometimes leads to dangerous problems, because the music downloader or the users tries to find their music tracks in different sites. Some of the music files may not be available in sites then they keep on trying for their tracks. There are many dangerous sites if anybody tries to open such links then the user’s pc’s may face serious problems. This sometimes may lead to virus attack. Since all the sites available on internet are not that safe to use for downloading.

Sometimes downloading music is legal and the uploading is not. Music used to be so simple. This can be enjoyed in radio sets or transistors, television sets for free. In past times music used to be bought out side but now it’s very rare. This became when the there is an improvement in technology. For every latest technology there are some advantages and disadvantages. CD’s DVD’s, USB’s mp3 players are the latest technology. The data or the music tracks on this type of things in data format. This can be uploaded on internet. These kinds of music files maintained or sold out by many companies. Some of them have the copyrights some other doesn’t. This leads to huge loss in their business. Because somebody tries to prepare a pirated version and upload them.

Going to music concerts and listing to music can be charged outside, and if it bought out side in the form of a CD’s or tapes that is legal. Downloading the same thing is illegal. It has to be charged. This is almost stealing the music. As music is wonderful great thing to make it. If this is kept for buying this has to be bought by the users or the customers and listen to it. There are some sites like online buying by using the credit card.

The music industry and even some musicians who fell they are taking the loss due to sharing of their copy-protected works online have started fighting back. In recent months there have been more cases of music heading to the courts. From the creators of peer-to-peer and music sharing program authors, to individual uploading and sharing cop-protected work online, more people are finding themselves in court trying to avoid paying monitory damages and trying to prove that what are doing in fact, fair use.

If there are so many lawful issues surrounding the downloading of music, it will be a wonder why the users are having mp3 players, CD burners, and even software that allows the users to rip the music legally from a CD to the personal system. There are many websites like iTunes for mp3 players which offer music that which needs payments to download the required music. According to the 2007 digital media survey, conducted by Entertainment Media Research in conjunction with media lawyers from Olswang, illegal music downloads have reached an all time high. This has been correlated with the growth of online social networking shifting towards music and away from traditional music companies, nothing the placement of music embeds on social networking profiles. These social networks are recognized in the report as aiding in the democratization of the music downloads goes down. High prices of legal download have been named as the primary reason for this observed behaviour.

Beryl Burns said...

Group 7 Comments:


Downloading Music on the Internet Illegal?
For many people it is as simple as opening one of many peer-to-peer file share programs, selecting the tracks, downloading and burning to a CD-ROM. What isn't so simple about downloading music is the copyright protection laws that people break everyday by downloading some music tracks off the Internet. To make matters even more muddled, some music can be lawfully downloaded, and for those that aren't, laws regarding the sharing and downloading of music on the Internet vary from country to country.

One of the big issues concerning the music industry is, of course, the revenue loss. In theory, if a person is able to download his or her favourite music off the Internet, that person would not need to purchase the CD at a local music store. Every story you read will most likely produce a different set of numbers the music industry claims it has lost due to music downloading. The most common average of numbers seems to sit around a loss of 20 percent globally in sales since 1999.

Organizations that support music sharing and downloading however have thrown a wrench into the statistics released by the music industry as they suggest some of these losses are due to a bad economy and fewer "new releases" hitting the market in some of those years. It is obvious that the music industry has to be losing some money due to Internet music file sharing, but finding the exact amount lost due to music downloading isn't so simple. One thing that is for certain however is that the loss affects the industry, the musicians, and even sound technicians, recording studios, and music stores.

The music industry and even some musicians who feel they are taking a loss due to the sharing of their copy-protected works online have started fighting back, so to speak. In recent months there have been more cases of music piracy heading to the courts. From the creators of peer-to-peer and music sharing program authors, to individual users uploading and sharing copy-protected works online, more people are finding themselves in court trying to avoid paying monetary damages and trying to prove that what they are doing is in fact, fair use.