Saturday, 4 July 2009

Group 6 Task 2: Hacking

Group 6 :
Vijay Puppala
Raviteja Dirisala
Harish Sripadi


The issue of Hackers and Hacking has been discussed in the lectures. Hacking in short can be roughly equated to Break and Enter, where a person can steal data or/and edit the data. Hacking is mainly done by computer experts.

Hacking is done for several purposes such as some people hack for technical motivation, i.e. to progress the evaluation of technology. Hacking is done for fun and financial gain as well as for the political motivation regarding the political movement they want to speak out against. Hacking has in the past lead to crashing Bank account (or) stock market, releasing private credit, debit card information. Hacking can help terrorist plans hidden in digital photographers, the personal information exposed. For example, A 42-year old System administrator hacked into 97 US military and NASA computers simply using default passwords in poor security areas looking for UFO information. In 1998 moors internet worm crashed 6000 servers. In the year 2000, 15,700 Credit, debit card numbers have been stolen through hacking from Western Union (when the database was undergoing maintenance).

Taking into the account the types of hackers there are Professional Hackers who can be termed as Black hat hackers usually Bad guys, White hat hackers are professional security experts. Script Kiddies are mainly students who do for getting free stuff, impressing their peers. The underemployed adult hackers which is large in Eastern European countries do for getting recognition in hackers community as well as they cant get employment in the field.

Hackers ethic is ‘freedom of information’. Hackers are not entirely good, nor are they just bad. Is it ethical (or) not ethical to hack into government system to point out security flaws without any harm to the system?

Hactivism is vandalism of websites intentionally which does not alert the attention of social problems. Hactivism violates people’s first amendment rights of freedom of speech.

Cyberterrorism are unlawful attacks. The examples of cyberterrorism can be like China-related conflicts, Mideast conflicts, Pakistan-India conflict over Kashmir, Bin laden WTC/Pentagon Terrorism. Cyber attacks often accompany regional and global conflicts both armed and unarmed. Cyber attacks are increasing in volume and impact. Politically inspired attacks are increasing. Use of cyberspace by terrorist is increasing.

On the whole Hackers are curious, motivated and talented people who experiment with systems. Hackers are behind the major technology innovation. Hackers learn and teach the way they communicate.


Unknown said...

Hello Group 6

Simplest definition of hacking have read so far.

Facts are always good to have which prove the seriousness of the issue.
If you can provide some more information regarding the incidents which happened would be great.

Anonymous said...

i like that your group said hacers are "curious, motivated and talented people who experiment with systems" it is however unfortunate that such talent is realised at the expense of other people

Amina Abdul-Hamid (on behalf of group 4)

vijays15 said...

The facts may prove the seriouness about the issue, on the other side we can notice how the technology innovation is developing day by day.which does tell that with every innovation there would advantages as well as disadvantages.It depends on how the people will use it.