Sunday, 12 July 2009

Group 11 Task 2: Hacking

Group 11

A Hacker is a skilled computer user. The term originally denoted a skilled programmer particularly on skilled in machine code and with a good knowledge of the machine and its operating system. It is a fact that a good programmer could always hack an unsatisfactory system around until it worked.

Now we will see about computer hackers. Computer hackers are those people who gain remote access and those files which are stored in another computer or even in operating system of a computer. In late 1950’s and 1960’s hackers are motivated more by a desire to learn the operating characteristics of a computer than by any malicious intent. Not only that in those days hackers where often legitimate computer programmers who were seeking ways of routing information more quickly through operating systems in computers. From that time onwards computer hackers have become much more sophisticated. Organized and in many cases they were illegal. But some hackers are motivated by a desire to cripple sensitive sites, make mischief and to acquire restricted information.

Few years before means in mid 1990’s several computer hackers have attempted to gain access to files in computer network. The incidents which are happen at that time are dubbed to solar sunrise were regarded as a dress rehearsal and later on some more incidents happen that is cyber attack and also in military’s computer defences.

For example we all are using yahoo messenger in our system for that we have software using that software we can hack there passwords and we can use their ID. Not only that most of the people are doing online shopping through internet for that they are using credit cards but hackers can hack those credit card and they can use those cards.

We all know that the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 in US. US Government enacted the cyber security enhancement act in July 2002 as part of the terrorist attacks on world trade centre in 2001. Under this legislation hackers can be regarded as terrorist and can be imprisoned for up to 20 years. One tool that is computer hacker can use to compromise an individual computer or a computer network is a virus. Depending on their design and intent the consequence of a virus can range from the defacing of a website to the disabling of a computer network. Few years before in 1990’s the number of known computer viruses increased in over 30,000.

Despite the threat that they can pose, computer hackers can also be a handy. By exposing the flows in a computer networks, hackers can aid in the redesign of the system to make information more inaccessible to unauthorised access.

1 comment:

rohit rajora said...

A Hacker is a skilled computer user. The term originally denoted a skilled programmer particularly on skilled in machine code and with a good knowledge of the machine and its operating system. It is a fact that a good programmer could always hack an unsatisfactory system around until it worked.
in common usage, a hacker is a person who breaks into computers, usually by gaining access to administrative controls.The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground. Proponents claim to be motivated by artistic and political ends, and are often unconcerned about the use of illegal means to achieve them.
Other uses of the word hacker exist that are not related to computer security but these are rarely used by the mainstream media