Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Group 10 Task 2: Hacking

Group 10:

HACKING: Hacker is an expression which has the specified degree of importance. A clever programmer who attempts to break in to computer systems, a person who
may be expert or any in computer programmer who having the ability to create
complex software and hardware.

Unlike most other computer crime areas which are clear cut in term of acts and
legalities. Computer hacking involves some of the degree of violation on the
privacy of other or damage to computer based property such as files, WebPages
or software. The impact of computer hacking varies from simply being enveloping
bothersome to illegal.

Example: Ways to minimize potential for Hacking in schools:
There are a number of ways for schools to minimize potential for hacking.

1. Schools need to clearly establish good enough use policies and explain
appropriate and inappropriate actions to both students and staff.
2. Students and staff need to instructed regarding hacking, the mentality
associated with it, the consequences of various hacking actions and possible
consequences of interacting and forming online relationships with anonymous
individuals who claim to be proficient in invading others' privacy.
3. The use of filters may be considered in reducing access to unauthorized
software serial numbers and hacking-related materials, newsgroups, chat rooms
and hacking organizations.
4. Teachers need to be aware of student activities in the computer labs and pay
special attention to things they hear in terms of hacking behavior.

Types of Hacking:

There are different types of hackers named differently according to names
given by the hackers own slang (also known as jargon). Generally hackers can be
divided in to three classes such as groups or even schools.

1. Black hat hackers.

2. Grey or brown hat hackers.

3. White hat hackers.

1. Black-hat hackers (also known as crackers) are the ones who write virus,
destroy data, and deface websites along with other illegal activity. This type
of hacker will not end up at a very good job due to a bad reputation, and
usually ends up in jail for a long period of time. This kind of hacker is not
welcome at HDNL.

2. Grey-hat hackers are borderline white/black hats. They sometimes prank
unsuspecting users and cause general mayhem. While they think this kind of
activity is harmless, they may face long periods of jail time, and rejection
from the hacker community. We do not approve of this kind of hacker at HDNL.

3. White-hat hackers are the Jedi-knights of hacking, using their knowledge for
good, and usually end up working as high-paid network administration,
programmers, and security consultants. When a software bug is found, the
white-hat community will work together to solve the problem. This kind of
hacker is the most respected in the internet community, and this type of hacker
is welcome at HDNL.

Hacker ethic principles:

The general view or principles of hacker ethic include:

1. Sharing.
2. Openness.
3. Decentralization.
4. Free access to computers.
5. World Improvement.

Hacking examples:
1. New York Times: pornographic material together with this message placed on
their web server

2. Raphael Gray, teenage hacker from Wales
– Broke into several online stores
– Stole thousands of credit card numbers
– Alleged to have: Published the numbers on the Internet
- Despatched a shipment of Viagra to Bill Gates using one of the stolen
card numbers.

A number of issues arise in considering hacking from the educator perspective.
First, we need to consider the fact that the public perception of hackers is
mixed, and that "hacking" and "being considered a hacker" can be quite
appealing to students who are going through developmental periods in which they
are defining themselves, as well as challenging authority and rules. There is
often a 'Robin Hood' mentality to early actions, though it is unclear exactly who
"the poor" are, and how they are "being compensated". Second, the anonymity of
actions which hackers perform against others often enhances the severity of
actions. For example, an adolescent who would never consider picking someone's
pocket or physically damaging someone else's property or home, might be quite
willing to steal people's credit card numbers or destroy poorly protected
business or government files, since files and credit card numbers are not
tangible entities, and the damage is done anonymously.


Rajesh said...

Hi one and all.....
Regarding downloading music I am unable to say because I don't know whether it is crime or not. usually I download music from internet. But I can say one thing, the website which provide music illegally should be blocked then only it is possible to stop downloading music illegally. Generally most of the people around the world, download music from internet which is free of cost. So this is the reason why people go for internet rather than music shopping centres. But it is high amount of loss to music directors and recording companies. I can say one way to stop this illegal act i.e. block the websites and blogs which provide non-copyrighted music .

its udaykrian said...

udaykiran said...
In my view of looking forward to downloading some music track or video from the internet by using some free websites where seeing lawfully downloading copyright music from peer to peer is legal but when uploading those music files it should be illegal. So I concerning big issues could be effect on musicians industry and songwriters for revenues lost consumer copying. So I suggest to every country government should make strict and deem law against copyright music as illegal. In my opinion to copyright owner should protect their code from unauthorized reproduction and distributor of sound recording as well as certain digital performance to the public. However I request to every people or users should buy music CD by legally to protect our copyright law act and music industry and try to improve trust and relationship between musician and us by following privacy law.

Satish Kumar Kakollu said...

Hi friends I have seen an online survey by Helium on music piracy telling that downloading music ethical or not. This site is conducting voting I think this would be useful for our discussion. Here I am giving a link .


Unknown said...

downloading music freely from internet unetically is a crime which needs to be condonmed.the security in internet has to be improved and things like copyrights in music content has to be considered seriously. because of illegal use of internet in downloading music will lead people in music industry towards downside. the main need of change is to come from invidual citizen and users by using the resourses in internet in an ethical, proper and athorized way.