Sunday, 21 June 2009

Discussion Two: Ethical Issues - Privacy

Food for thought...
There are many ethical issues that arise concerning Privacy. Where continuous innovation of technology is concerned there will always be 'ethical dilemmas' that arise as technological evolution focus more on functionalities rather than anticipated human behaviour and uses.

One example of such innovation is...''There are serious ethical issues in the use of biometric technology. The main issues concern the personal privacy, the conflict with one’s beliefs and values and the collection, protection and use of personal biometric data. The civil liberty organisations argue that the technology undermines the human rights for privacy and anonymity. It is intrusive and has the capability to make serious impact on personal freedom and democratic rights. The technology is prone to failure and is not fake proof as it can be spoofed''.

Should the use of biometrics be encouraged? Do you think biometrics aid in preventing crime? Source:

What are the ethical issues surrounding the use of biometric technology? Maybe 'personal' privacy issues come to the fore here where some may believe that the technology undermines the human rights for privacy and anonymity. What are your thoughts on this?


Anonymous said...

According to me biometrics technology as used in security purposes is not unethical and infact perfectly reliable..... it is now widely used not only by high profile organizations and military purposes but in simple day to day applications like a laptop password also.....nowadays instead of a keybrd paswords laptops have a biometric password wherein the person neeeds to press his finger against the laptop to gain boimetric is not a very complicated technology but is being implemetated on a day-to day life applications.....

There is an argumemt related to the intrusion of personal information when using of biometric technology..but i personnally disagree with it and will encourage the use of biometrics for security purposes...because i think its 97-99 percent reliable..

Take a day to day life example......we use debit and credit cards regularly......imagine your being stolen and someone by fluke guessing your pin number....i know its not easy but its possible right...but imagine the card machines accepting biometrics as your that case we can sleep sound even if our card is tolen because we can that its only accepted in our presence...and no one can misuse it........its great really.....i will definately support use of biometrics as a security systme.....

Unknown said...

No doubt, the system is widely used by many countries. You have cited a very good example of biometeric system implementation in a day to day life, I guess Lenovo lappies are provided with this technology.

For instance, consider Heathrow airport.

The main reason was to control on illegal and immigration and to keep an eye on terrorist intruders. It involves in police department,you need to accept me in this case. There is every possibility that police department will access the data to check for any intrusions.

In this way, personal information is passed on to other higher officials for scrutiny purpose. Anyways, we have a strong data protection policy been employed.

Personally, I feel there is problem with privacy issue when a new technology is implemented.

Unknown said...

Read the article which highlights the extensive usage of biometrics and problems faced ( data theft)

READ THE 3rd COMMENT (El Predicto)

vijays15 said...

Biometric Technology is the latest innovation technology.Biometric using the thumb impression as the mode of verification where it captures the impression of thumb and stores in data base system.As chaitu said it is now widely been used in many countries.This technology does help in tracking the criminals and also one who tries to escape from the law.The large data base system helps in knowing the identity.The wrong side of it is ,This technology is very expensive,with the age the voice of person differ,which can be problem using the voice recognization authentic method.

abu shinx said...

I support the use of bioemtric machine if the privacy of individuals will not be tempered.