Monday, 10 August 2009

Group 14 Task 2: Hacking

Group 14
Chandrashekar Kalleda
Bharat Thota
Anil Kumar Reddy Kampally
Nageshwar Rao Nunna
Abhilash Raja
Ravi Kumar Gurram

What is hacking?
Hacking is word that to do some complex hardware and software programming and computers the programme is called hacker. These hackers are experts in the field of computing and have achieved a certain elite status within their field the other commonly know meaning of the word is someone breaks in to computer networks for his or her own purposes.

Traditionally, hackers were computer geeks who knew almost everything about computers both in hardware and software and were widely respected for their wide array of knowledge. In recent years the reputation of hackers has been steadily going down. At this time hackers are feared by most people and are looked upon as icons representing the underground community in the world.

Hackers know everything about the way software or an application works. Hackers have this uncanny ability of finding out ways of doing the impossible. “Recently a 13 year old hacker in the US who with his other hacker friend used to relish programming and hacking. These two people always enjoy breaking in to each other systems and proving their superiority. They both were imppensely intelligent and had the perfect mind needed for business.”

Types of Hackers:
• White hat hacker
• Gray or brown hat hacker
• Black hat hacker

White hat hacker: A person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer systems. Generally white hat focuses on securing IT Systems.

Black hat hacker: A person who will wish to secure his own machine and would like to break in to them. A Black hat refers to a person that maintains the knowledge of the vulnerabilities and exploits they find as secret for private advantage not revealing them either to the general public or manufacturer for correction. Many black hats promote individual freedom and accessibility over privacy and security.

Gray or brown hat hacker:
This type of hacker is a skilled hacker who sometimes acts legal in good will and sometimes not. This type of hackers is called hybrid hackers between White hat and black hat. There is no profit or personal gain and do not have malicious intensions but they may commit crimes in their actions.

All the loss in the world can’t and will not discourage computer criminals hackers are getting real smart these days and it is becoming increasingly easier for them to break in to a system, create a malicious and escape without living any trace behind. Laws are absolutely useless when system administrators themselves are becoming ignorant of computer security and are dismissing all hackers as people belonging to the dark side of society.

It has become absolutely necessarily to explain people as to how hackers are and how hacking is executed and how to protect computer systems from hackers. If above mention problems are not done as soon as possible then the hackers will get way ahead in the security ways.

If users are able to learn and can understand how someone break in our system then users would be in a better position to fix a security loop hole at the right time.

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