Group 23
Ethical Hacking:
'HACKER': A person who enjoys learning the details of computer systems and how to stretch their capabilities--as opposed to most users of computers, who prefer to learn only the minimum amount necessary.”
Taken From: Ethical Hacking, Palmer, C.C., IBM Systems Journal 2001, ISSN: 00188670 on 10-08-09.
What is ethical hacking:
Hackers want to be able to take advantage of the Internet for electronic commerce, advertising, information distribution and access, and other pursuits, but they are worried about the possibility of being "hacked".
Taken From: Ethical Hacking, Palmer, C.C., IBM Systems Journal 2001, ISSN: 00188670 on 10-08-09.
Who are ethical hackers?
Ethical hackers typically have very strong programming and computer networking skills and have been in the computer and networking business for several years. They are also adept at installing and maintaining systems that use the more popular operating systems (e.g., UNIX (**) or Windows NT (**)) used on target systems. These base skills are augmented with detailed knowledge of the hardware and software provided by the more popular computer and networking hardware vendors.
Taken From: Ethical Hacking, Palmer, C.C., IBM Systems Journal 2001, ISSN: 00188670 on 10-08-09.
What do ethical Hackers do?
An ethical hacker's evaluation of a system's security seeks answers to three basic questions:
• What can an intruder see on the target systems?
• What can an intruder do with that information?
• Does anyone at the target notice the intruder's attempts or successes?
The discussion begins with the client's answers to questions similar to those posed by Garfinkel and Spafford:
1. What are you trying to protect?
2. What are you trying to protect against?
3. How much time, effort, and money are you willing to expend to obtain adequate protection?
Taken From: Ethical Hacking, Palmer, C.C., IBM Systems Journal 2001, ISSN: 00188670 on 10-08-09.
Once the contractual agreement is in place, the testing may begin as defined in the agreement. It should be noted that the testing itself poses some risk to the client, since a criminal hacker monitoring the transmissions of the ethical hackers could learn the same information. The best approach to this dilemma is to maintain several addresses around the Internet from which the ethical hacker's transmissions will emanate, and to switch origin addresses often. Complete logs of the tests performed by the ethical hackers are always maintained, both for the final report and in the event that something unusual occurs. For example, an employee might want to try out some of the techniques for himself or herself. He or she might choose to test the company's systems, possibly annoying system administrators or even inadvertently hiding a real attack. The employee might also choose to test the systems of another organization, which is a felony in the United States when done without permission.
Taken From: Ethical Hacking, Palmer, C.C., IBM Systems Journal 2001, ISSN: 00188670 on 10-08-09.
With the growth of the Internet, computer security has become a major concern for businesses and governments. As Roger Schell observed nearly 30 years ago, from a practical standpoint the security problem will remain as long as manufacturers remain committed to current system architectures, produced without a firm requirement for security. As long as there is support for ad hoc fixes and security packages for these inadequate designs and as long as the illusory results of penetration teams are accepted as demonstrations of a computer system security, proper security will not be a reality.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Group 14 Task 2: Hacking
Group 14
Chandrashekar Kalleda
Bharat Thota
Anil Kumar Reddy Kampally
Nageshwar Rao Nunna
Abhilash Raja
Ravi Kumar Gurram
What is hacking?
Hacking is word that to do some complex hardware and software programming and computers the programme is called hacker. These hackers are experts in the field of computing and have achieved a certain elite status within their field the other commonly know meaning of the word is someone breaks in to computer networks for his or her own purposes.
Traditionally, hackers were computer geeks who knew almost everything about computers both in hardware and software and were widely respected for their wide array of knowledge. In recent years the reputation of hackers has been steadily going down. At this time hackers are feared by most people and are looked upon as icons representing the underground community in the world.
Hackers know everything about the way software or an application works. Hackers have this uncanny ability of finding out ways of doing the impossible. “Recently a 13 year old hacker in the US who with his other hacker friend used to relish programming and hacking. These two people always enjoy breaking in to each other systems and proving their superiority. They both were imppensely intelligent and had the perfect mind needed for business.”
Types of Hackers:
• White hat hacker
• Gray or brown hat hacker
• Black hat hacker
White hat hacker: A person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer systems. Generally white hat focuses on securing IT Systems.
Black hat hacker: A person who will wish to secure his own machine and would like to break in to them. A Black hat refers to a person that maintains the knowledge of the vulnerabilities and exploits they find as secret for private advantage not revealing them either to the general public or manufacturer for correction. Many black hats promote individual freedom and accessibility over privacy and security.
Gray or brown hat hacker: This type of hacker is a skilled hacker who sometimes acts legal in good will and sometimes not. This type of hackers is called hybrid hackers between White hat and black hat. There is no profit or personal gain and do not have malicious intensions but they may commit crimes in their actions.
All the loss in the world can’t and will not discourage computer criminals hackers are getting real smart these days and it is becoming increasingly easier for them to break in to a system, create a malicious and escape without living any trace behind. Laws are absolutely useless when system administrators themselves are becoming ignorant of computer security and are dismissing all hackers as people belonging to the dark side of society.
It has become absolutely necessarily to explain people as to how hackers are and how hacking is executed and how to protect computer systems from hackers. If above mention problems are not done as soon as possible then the hackers will get way ahead in the security ways.
If users are able to learn and can understand how someone break in our system then users would be in a better position to fix a security loop hole at the right time.
Chandrashekar Kalleda
Bharat Thota
Anil Kumar Reddy Kampally
Nageshwar Rao Nunna
Abhilash Raja
Ravi Kumar Gurram
What is hacking?
Hacking is word that to do some complex hardware and software programming and computers the programme is called hacker. These hackers are experts in the field of computing and have achieved a certain elite status within their field the other commonly know meaning of the word is someone breaks in to computer networks for his or her own purposes.
Traditionally, hackers were computer geeks who knew almost everything about computers both in hardware and software and were widely respected for their wide array of knowledge. In recent years the reputation of hackers has been steadily going down. At this time hackers are feared by most people and are looked upon as icons representing the underground community in the world.
Hackers know everything about the way software or an application works. Hackers have this uncanny ability of finding out ways of doing the impossible. “Recently a 13 year old hacker in the US who with his other hacker friend used to relish programming and hacking. These two people always enjoy breaking in to each other systems and proving their superiority. They both were imppensely intelligent and had the perfect mind needed for business.”
Types of Hackers:
• White hat hacker
• Gray or brown hat hacker
• Black hat hacker
White hat hacker: A person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer systems. Generally white hat focuses on securing IT Systems.
Black hat hacker: A person who will wish to secure his own machine and would like to break in to them. A Black hat refers to a person that maintains the knowledge of the vulnerabilities and exploits they find as secret for private advantage not revealing them either to the general public or manufacturer for correction. Many black hats promote individual freedom and accessibility over privacy and security.
Gray or brown hat hacker: This type of hacker is a skilled hacker who sometimes acts legal in good will and sometimes not. This type of hackers is called hybrid hackers between White hat and black hat. There is no profit or personal gain and do not have malicious intensions but they may commit crimes in their actions.
All the loss in the world can’t and will not discourage computer criminals hackers are getting real smart these days and it is becoming increasingly easier for them to break in to a system, create a malicious and escape without living any trace behind. Laws are absolutely useless when system administrators themselves are becoming ignorant of computer security and are dismissing all hackers as people belonging to the dark side of society.
It has become absolutely necessarily to explain people as to how hackers are and how hacking is executed and how to protect computer systems from hackers. If above mention problems are not done as soon as possible then the hackers will get way ahead in the security ways.
If users are able to learn and can understand how someone break in our system then users would be in a better position to fix a security loop hole at the right time.
Group 9 Task 2: Hacking
Group 9
Hacking :
Hacking use of computer and networking resources. Hacking often is based on software bugs that a hacker can use to give him or her super user status. Hacking is a process of improving knowledge without any permission of users either it may be computer or computer network. Hacking is the breach of security system, usually pertains to someone gaining access to servers or database of any users. Hacking has taken a bit of a negative connotation, concerning people using backdoors, Trojans, etc. Hacker is a person who specializes in work with the security mechanisms form computer and network systems.
Types of hackers attack:
1. Viruses – most common form of attack
2. Denial of service attacks
3. Trojans
4. Brute force and social engineering password attacks
5. Port scanning and spoofing
6. Phishing
7. Ransomware
Effects of Hacking:
Computer hacking is a breach of computer security. Hackers may even delete sensitive information on gaining access to it. Delete or manipulation of sensitive data with intent to achieve personal gain is another effect of computer hacking. A user whose computer has been hacked is at the risk of losing all the data stored on his/her computer. Manipulation of sensitive user data is a grave consequence of hacking. Hacking can be used to convert computers into zombies that is internet enabled computers that are compromised by hackers or computer viruses. Some hackers are not harmful; they just want to prove themselves or to prove a point, but they won’t steal or destroy anything. Others are extremely dangerous they hack system even if it is bank, or online job, they might stealing money, credit card numbers, accounts.
Hacking :
Hacking use of computer and networking resources. Hacking often is based on software bugs that a hacker can use to give him or her super user status. Hacking is a process of improving knowledge without any permission of users either it may be computer or computer network. Hacking is the breach of security system, usually pertains to someone gaining access to servers or database of any users. Hacking has taken a bit of a negative connotation, concerning people using backdoors, Trojans, etc. Hacker is a person who specializes in work with the security mechanisms form computer and network systems.
Types of hackers attack:
1. Viruses – most common form of attack
2. Denial of service attacks
3. Trojans
4. Brute force and social engineering password attacks
5. Port scanning and spoofing
6. Phishing
7. Ransomware
Effects of Hacking:
Computer hacking is a breach of computer security. Hackers may even delete sensitive information on gaining access to it. Delete or manipulation of sensitive data with intent to achieve personal gain is another effect of computer hacking. A user whose computer has been hacked is at the risk of losing all the data stored on his/her computer. Manipulation of sensitive user data is a grave consequence of hacking. Hacking can be used to convert computers into zombies that is internet enabled computers that are compromised by hackers or computer viruses. Some hackers are not harmful; they just want to prove themselves or to prove a point, but they won’t steal or destroy anything. Others are extremely dangerous they hack system even if it is bank, or online job, they might stealing money, credit card numbers, accounts.
Group 17 Task 2: Hacking
Group 17
Suresh Gopal
Krishna Mohan Gundavarapu
Jayesh Narani
Sudheer Pola
Hackers are highly skilled computer gurus who break into computer systems for a variety of reasons, from financial gain to just for the fun of a challenge. Despite these activities being illegal, the hacker community has maintained momentum for decades and shows no signs of slowing down.
Function: Hacking is an activity that is engaged in by people who use their knowledge of the internet, computers, firewalls and security preferences to break into other people's computers, allowing them to view private information, alter data and steal files, information or programs. MySpace pages, software applications and email accounts are the most common programs that are hacked into. Hackers typically look for passwords or credit card information. Some will simply hack into these programs in order to change information, such as a screen name, password or other content that is written by the owner.
Significance: Hackers are sometimes motivated by greed and steal personal information in order to take on someone's identity for their own gain, or in politics, where they try to exploit, blackmail or otherwise expose someone in power, or even just for entertainment, where hackers simply want to see what they are capable of doing. These types of hackers usually brag about their conquests on message boards or instant messaging programs, competing with fellow hackers as to who is the best among them.
History: The first case of hacking occurred in the 1960s when a group of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) tried to access the school's main computing systems. In the 1970s, "phone phreaks" hacked into telephone networks and made toll-free calls. Mainstream computer hacking as we know it today gained momentum in the 1980s when hackers broke into what would now be considered message boards. Congress passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in 1986, which made it illegal for anyone to break into anyone else's computer system. Despite the law, the 1990s saw the invention of the Trojan Horse, which allowed hackers to access any computer that downloaded the program. Many companies were hacked into as well, such as AOL, Yahoo!, Amazon and eBay.
Types: There are at least five main types of hackers. A hacktivist uses his hacker skills in order to broadcast a political message on the Internet. A cyberterrorist commits acts out of a desire to wreak havoc and cause harm to groups who he feels oppose him and his beliefs. A black hat typically breaks into a network in order to obtain information that will allow him to commit fraud or theft. A white hat may commit the same hacking acts as other hackers, but is not motivated by a malicious intent. A script kiddie uses hacking software in order to break into someone else's computer system. This software is usually obtained from another hacker who has figured out how to corrupt that specific program's system.
Features: Most hackers are talented computer programmers. They know how to write software and how to remove the kinks from other programs that are written by the hacking community. The most important feature of someone who hacks, however, is the "hacker mindset," a set of beliefs that the hacker community has established. The core belief is that it is OK to hack into someone else's computer and to obtain, distribute or otherwise exploit any information that may be found in the process. Hackers usually strongly believe in their First Amendment rights and believe that hacking falls under this umbrella.
Suresh Gopal
Krishna Mohan Gundavarapu
Jayesh Narani
Sudheer Pola
Hackers are highly skilled computer gurus who break into computer systems for a variety of reasons, from financial gain to just for the fun of a challenge. Despite these activities being illegal, the hacker community has maintained momentum for decades and shows no signs of slowing down.
Function: Hacking is an activity that is engaged in by people who use their knowledge of the internet, computers, firewalls and security preferences to break into other people's computers, allowing them to view private information, alter data and steal files, information or programs. MySpace pages, software applications and email accounts are the most common programs that are hacked into. Hackers typically look for passwords or credit card information. Some will simply hack into these programs in order to change information, such as a screen name, password or other content that is written by the owner.
Significance: Hackers are sometimes motivated by greed and steal personal information in order to take on someone's identity for their own gain, or in politics, where they try to exploit, blackmail or otherwise expose someone in power, or even just for entertainment, where hackers simply want to see what they are capable of doing. These types of hackers usually brag about their conquests on message boards or instant messaging programs, competing with fellow hackers as to who is the best among them.
History: The first case of hacking occurred in the 1960s when a group of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) tried to access the school's main computing systems. In the 1970s, "phone phreaks" hacked into telephone networks and made toll-free calls. Mainstream computer hacking as we know it today gained momentum in the 1980s when hackers broke into what would now be considered message boards. Congress passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in 1986, which made it illegal for anyone to break into anyone else's computer system. Despite the law, the 1990s saw the invention of the Trojan Horse, which allowed hackers to access any computer that downloaded the program. Many companies were hacked into as well, such as AOL, Yahoo!, Amazon and eBay.
Types: There are at least five main types of hackers. A hacktivist uses his hacker skills in order to broadcast a political message on the Internet. A cyberterrorist commits acts out of a desire to wreak havoc and cause harm to groups who he feels oppose him and his beliefs. A black hat typically breaks into a network in order to obtain information that will allow him to commit fraud or theft. A white hat may commit the same hacking acts as other hackers, but is not motivated by a malicious intent. A script kiddie uses hacking software in order to break into someone else's computer system. This software is usually obtained from another hacker who has figured out how to corrupt that specific program's system.
Features: Most hackers are talented computer programmers. They know how to write software and how to remove the kinks from other programs that are written by the hacking community. The most important feature of someone who hacks, however, is the "hacker mindset," a set of beliefs that the hacker community has established. The core belief is that it is OK to hack into someone else's computer and to obtain, distribute or otherwise exploit any information that may be found in the process. Hackers usually strongly believe in their First Amendment rights and believe that hacking falls under this umbrella.
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